Exhibition of Dániel Bodosi in Cluj-Napoca
(Háromszék, 2023)
Inauguration of the memorial plaque
(Erdővidék TV, 2023)
Memorial column for Dániel Bodosi
(Háromszék, 2023)
Barót remembered its mining past
(Háromszék, 2022)
The coal mining in Erdővidék is 150 years old
(Erdővidék TV, 2022)
Dániel Bodosi's paintings at the Ars Sacra Festival
(Háromszék, 2022)
Daniel Bodosi's exhibition in Sfantu Gheorghe
(Élő Székelyföld, 2015)
Hungarian broadcast from Brasov
Daniel Bodosi's exhibition at the Transylvanian Art Center
(Sepsiszentgyö, 2015)
Life's work unfolded in lights
(Háromszék, 2015)
(Zirc város honlapja, 2014)
The Szekler School of Painting - Daniel Bodosi was born 100 years ago
(Székely Hírmondó, 2013)
Recruitment of Hussars at the Days of Baraolt
(Háromszék, 2013)
Daniel Bodosi's painting exhibition opens on Friday
(KEMMA, 2009)
The Painter of Erdővidék: Daniel Bodosi (Háromszék, 2013)
Celebrations in Barót - A Maypole was erected in memory of Daniel Bodosi
(erdé, 2013)
József Mészely: Traces of the Road
(Mosonvármegye Lap- és Könyvkiadó, 2011)
Memorial plaque in honor of the Bodosi brothers
(Háromszék, 2009)
Awards as a token of gratitude (Háromszék, 2006)
Let's pay attention to Erdővidék! (Szabadsag, 1984)
The Erdővidék Culture Award was presented
(Háromszék, 2005)
Learning from the past to build the future
(Háromszék, 1994)