The renamed room in the Community Center
Naming ceremony
XX. Erdővidék's Cultural Days, Baraolt, 22. November 2012.
The renamed room in the Community Center
Naming ceremony
XX. Erdővidék's Cultural Days, Baraolt, 22. November 2012.
The renamed room in the Community Center
Naming ceremony
XX. Erdővidék's Cultural Days, Baraolt, 22. November 2012.
Before the ceremony
Baraolt, 8. June 2013
Dániel Bodosi fine artist, 1913 - 2006
Baraolt, 8. June 2013
The performance of the Kájoni Consort choir opens the ceremony
Baraolt, 8. June 2013
Baraolt, 8. June 2013
Baraolt, 8. June 2013
János Dimény, the principle of the Baróti Szabó Dávid High-school, gives his speech
Baraolt, 8. June 2013
Anna-Mária Darvas, the daughter of the artist, reminisces her father
Baraolt, 8. June 2013
János Dimény greets the column's creator, Lajos Benkő
Baraolt, 8. June 2013
Paying respect to the memory of the artist
Baraolt, 8. June 2013
The new memorial column on the yard of the school
Baraolt, 8. June 2013
Guided tour and wine tasting
Sfantu Gheorghe, Transilvanian Art Center
14th April 2015
Az eseményt Bogdán Laura, a kovászna megyei RMKT elnöke nyitotta meg
Héjja Huba Ferenc was the sommelier of the event
Vécsi Nagy Zoltán, director of the Transilvanian Art Center, guided the audience in the gallery
Businessman Hegedűs Ferenc shared his experiences being a patron of the arts
Exhibition in the Lázár Castle from Lăzarea
Bodosi Dániel szakrális képei a gyergyószárhegyi kastélyban 2023 április-augusztus között kerültek kiállitásra. Ugyanez az anyag egy évvel korábban Budapesten, az Ars Sacra Fesztivál keretében volt látogatható.
Gyergyószárhegyen a vallási témájú képek nagyszerû körülmények között, a felettük levõ ablakokon át bejövõ fényzuhatagban voltak láthatók.
Expoziție la Castelul Lázár din Gheorgheni-Sărmaș
Lucrările sacre lui Dániel Bodosi au fost expuse la Castelul Lázár din Gheorgheni-Sărmaș între aprilie și august 2023. Aceeași expoziție a fost accesibilă cu un an înainte la Budapesta, în cadrul Festivalului Ars Sacra.
La Gheorgheni-Sărmaș, lucrările cu tematică religioasă au fost expuse în condiții excelente, fiind vizibile în lumina care pătrundea prin ferestrele de deasupra lor.
Exhibition at the Lázár Castle in Gyergyószárhegy.
Dániel Bodosi's sacred paintings were displayed at the Gyergyószárhegy Castle between April and August 2023. The same set of paintings were exhibited in Budapest at the Ars Sacra Festival a year prior.
In Gyergyószárhegy, the religious-themed paintings were visible in great conditions, illuminated by the light coming through the windows above them.
Emlékplakett-avatás a baróti kopjafánál
A művész emlékére 2013-ban állitottak kopjafát a Baróti Szabó Dávid Iskolaközpont udvarán. 2023. június 3-án, a kicsengetéssel egybekötve, egy emlékplakett elhelyezésére került sor a Baróti Szabó Dávid alapitvány és a ballagó diákok jóvoltából.
A plakett kivitelezője Szabó Tamás ötvösművész.
Inaugurarea plachetei comemorative la monumentul de lemn din Baraolt
În memoria artistului, în anul 2013, a fost ridicată o cruce de lemn în curtea Școlii Centrale "Szabó Dávid" din Baraolt. La data de 3 iunie 2023, o plachetă comemorativă a fost amplasată în cadrul festivității de absolvire, cu sprijinul Fundației "Szabó Dávid" din Baraolt și al absolvenților.
Executorul plachetei este artistul orfevrului Szabó Tamás.
Unveiling of the memorial plaque at the memorial column in Baraolt
In memory of the artist, a wooden monument was erected in the courtyard of the Baróti Szabó Dávid School Center in 2013. On June 3, 2023, in conjunction with the end-of-year bell ringing, a memorial plaque was placed by the Baróti Szabó Dávid Foundation and the graduating students.
The plaque was crafted by Szabó Tamás, a metalworker artist.
Inauguration of Memorial Plaque
In 2013 a memorial column was erected in the courtyard of the Baróti Szabó Dávid School in the memory of the artist. On 3rd of June 2023, in conjuction with the school bell ringing, a memorial plaque was placed on the column with the help of of the Baróti Szabó Dávid foundation and the graduating students. The plaque was executed by goldsmith Tamás Szabó.
Kopjafa-avatás a kisborosnyói Történelmi Emlékparkban
2023 július 30-án a Bodosi család és a kisborosnyói református egyházközösség kopjafát állittatott a művész emlékére.
The program of the event:
Welcome speech by Róbert Imre, parish pastor
Poetry recital by András Tánczos, poems by Árpád Farkas and József Mészely
Anna Mária Darvas, the artist's daughter, presents the artwork of Dániel Bodosi
Imre Bodosi the artist's son opens the unveiling ceremony
Unveiling of the memorial column
The sculptor József Józsa presents the symbology present on the column
Folk songs performed by Sára Kovács and Martina Cauș
- Székely Róbert Imre parókus lelkipásztor köszöntõje
Inaugurarea unui monument de lemn în Parcul Memorial Istoric din Boroșneu-Mic
Pe 30 iulie 2023, familia Bodosi și comunitatea reformată din Micloșoara au ridicat un monument de lemn în memoria artistului.
Programul evenimentului:
Cuvânt de salut al preotului paroh, Székely Róbert Imre.
Tánczos András recită poezii de Farkas Árpád și Mészely József.
Darvas Anna-Mária prezintă activitatea lui Bodosi Dániel.
Bodosi Imre deschide ceremonia de inaugurare a monumentului de lemn.
Dezvelirea monumentului de lemn și depunerea de coroane.
Józsa József, sculptorul monumentului de lemn, vorbește despre acesta.
- Kovács Sára și Ceauș Martina cântă cântece populare.
Unveiling of the memorial column in the Historical Memorial Park at Boroșneu-Mic
On July 30, 2023, the Bodosi family and the Reformed church community of Micloșoara erected a wooden monument in memory of the artist.
The event schedule:
Greetings from Róbert Imre Székely, the parish pastor.
- András Tánczos recites poems by Árpád Farkas and József Mészely
Anna-Mária Darvas presents the work of Dániel Bodosi.
- Imre Bodosi opens the unveiling ceremony of the memorial column
- The unveiling of the memorial column, followed by wreath-laying
- József Józsa, the sculptor of the wooden monument, speaks about it.
- Sára Kovács and Ceauș Martina sing folksongs
Inauguration of Memorial Column in Borosneu-Mic
The Bodosi family and the reformed church from Borosneu-Mic inaugurated a memorial column in the memory of the artist on 30th of July 2023.
The program of the event:
Welcome speech by Róbert Imre, parish pastor
Poetry recital by András Tánczos, poems by Árpád Farkas and József Mészely
Anna Mária Darvas, the artist's daughter, presents the artwork of Dániel Bodosi
Imre Bodosi the artist's son opens the unveiling ceremony
Unveiling of the memorial column
The sculptor József Józsa presents the symbology present on the column
Folk songs performed by Sára Kovács and Martina Cauș
Kiállitás a Kolozsvári Művészeti Múzeumban
A Fény és ritmus című kiállítás egy gazdag válogatás az életmű kiemelkedő olajképeiből, kiegészülve önarckép- és portréválogatással.
A megnyitón felszólaltak: Lucian Nastasă-Kovács, az intézmény menedzsere, Vákár István, a Kolozs Megyei Tanács alelnöke, és Portik Blénessy Ágota, a kiállítás kurátora.
A művészeti alkotások 2023. szeptember 6–24. között voltak látogathatók a kolozsvári Bánffy palotában.
Expoziție la Muzeul de Artă din Cluj-Napoca.
Expoziția intitulată "Lumină și ritm" este o selecție bogată din lucrările deosebite în ulei ale întregii cariere artistice, completată de autoportrete și portrete.
La deschidere au luat cuvântul: Lucian Nastasă-Kovács, managerul instituției, Vákár István, vicepreședintele Consiliului Județean Cluj, și Portik Blénessy Ágota, curatorul expoziției.
Lucrările de artă au fost expuse în perioada 6-24 septembrie 2023 la Palatul Bánffy din Cluj-Napoca.
Exhibition at the Art Museum of Cluj-Napoca
The exhibition titled "Light and Rhythm" is a rich selection of outstanding oil paintings from the artist's entire body of work, complemented by a collection of self-portraits and portraits.
At the opening, speeches were given by Lucian Nastasă-Kovács, the institution's manager, István Vákár, vice president of the Cluj County Council, and Ágota Portik Blénessy, the curator of the exhibition.
The artworks were available for viewing at the Bánffy Palace in Cluj-Napoca from September 6th to 24th, 2023.
Exhibition at the Cluj-Napoca Art Museum
The exhibition titled "Light and Rhythm" was a selection of the most remarkable oil paintings from the artist's body of work, complemented by a collection of self-portraits and portraits.
The opening ceremony featured speeches by Lucian Nastasă-Kovács, the manager of the institution, István Vákár, the Vice President of the Cluj County Council, and Ágota Portik Blénessy, the curator of the exhibition.
The artistic works were on display at Bánffy Palace in Cluj from September 6 to 24, 2023.
Inauguration of Memorial Column in Borosneu-Mic
The Bodosi family and the reformed church from Borosneu-Mic inaugurated a memorial column in the memory of the artist on 30th of July 2023.
The program of the event:
Welcome speech by Róbert Imre, parish pastor
Poetry recital by András Tánczos, poems by Árpád Farkas and József Mészely
Anna Mária Darvas, the artist's daughter, presents the artwork of Dániel Bodosi
Imre Bodosi the artist's son opens the unveiling ceremony
Unveiling of the memorial column
The sculptor József Józsa presents the symbology present on the column
Folk songs performed by Sára Kovács and Martina Cauș
Inauguration of Memorial Column in Borosneu-Mic
The Bodosi family and the reformed church from Borosneu-Mic inaugurated a memorial column in the memory of the artist on 30th of July 2023.
The program of the event:
Welcome speech by Róbert Imre, parish pastor
Poetry recital by András Tánczos, poems by Árpád Farkas and József Mészely
Anna Mária Darvas, the artist's daughter, presents the artwork of Dániel Bodosi
Imre Bodosi the artist's son opens the unveiling ceremony
Unveiling of the memorial column
The sculptor József Józsa presents the symbology present on the column
Folk songs performed by Sára Kovács and Martina Cauș
Inauguration of Memorial Column in Borosneu-Mic
The Bodosi family and the reformed church from Borosneu-Mic inaugurated a memorial column in the memory of the artist on 30th of July 2023.
The program of the event:
Welcome speech by Róbert Imre, parish pastor
Poetry recital by András Tánczos, poems by Árpád Farkas and József Mészely
Anna Mária Darvas, the artist's daughter, presents the artwork of Dániel Bodosi
Imre Bodosi the artist's son opens the unveiling ceremony
Unveiling of the memorial column
The sculptor József Józsa presents the symbology present on the column
Folk songs performed by Sára Kovács and Martina Cauș
Inauguration of Memorial Column in Borosneu-Mic
The Bodosi family and the reformed church from Borosneu-Mic inaugurated a memorial column in the memory of the artist on 30th of July 2023.
The program of the event:
Welcome speech by Róbert Imre, parish pastor
Poetry recital by András Tánczos, poems by Árpád Farkas and József Mészely
Anna Mária Darvas, the artist's daughter, presents the artwork of Dániel Bodosi
Imre Bodosi the artist's son opens the unveiling ceremony
Unveiling of the memorial column
The sculptor József Józsa presents the symbology present on the column
Folk songs performed by Sára Kovács and Martina Cauș
Inauguration of Memorial Column in Borosneu-Mic
The Bodosi family and the reformed church from Borosneu-Mic inaugurated a memorial column in the memory of the artist on 30th of July 2023.
The program of the event:
Welcome speech by Róbert Imre, parish pastor
Poetry recital by András Tánczos, poems by Árpád Farkas and József Mészely
Anna Mária Darvas, the artist's daughter, presents the artwork of Dániel Bodosi
Imre Bodosi the artist's son opens the unveiling ceremony
Unveiling of the memorial column
The sculptor József Józsa presents the symbology present on the column
Folk songs performed by Sára Kovács and Martina Cauș
Inauguration of Memorial Column in Borosneu-Mic
The Bodosi family and the reformed church from Borosneu-Mic inaugurated a memorial column in the memory of the artist on 30th of July 2023.
The program of the event:
Welcome speech by Róbert Imre, parish pastor
Poetry recital by András Tánczos, poems by Árpád Farkas and József Mészely
Anna Mária Darvas, the artist's daughter, presents the artwork of Dániel Bodosi
Imre Bodosi the artist's son opens the unveiling ceremony
Unveiling of the memorial column
The sculptor József Józsa presents the symbology present on the column
Folk songs performed by Sára Kovács and Martina Cauș
Inauguration of Memorial Column in Borosneu-Mic
The Bodosi family and the reformed church from Borosneu-Mic inaugurated a memorial column in the memory of the artist on 30th of July 2023.
The program of the event:
Welcome speech by Róbert Imre, parish pastor
Poetry recital by András Tánczos, poems by Árpád Farkas and József Mészely
Anna Mária Darvas, the artist's daughter, presents the artwork of Dániel Bodosi
Imre Bodosi the artist's son opens the unveiling ceremony
Unveiling of the memorial column
The sculptor József Józsa presents the symbology present on the column
Folk songs performed by Sára Kovács and Martina Cauș
Inauguration of Memorial Column in Borosneu-Mic
The Bodosi family and the reformed church from Borosneu-Mic inaugurated a memorial column in the memory of the artist on 30th of July 2023.
The program of the event:
Welcome speech by Róbert Imre, parish pastor
Poetry recital by András Tánczos, poems by Árpád Farkas and József Mészely
Anna Mária Darvas, the artist's daughter, presents the artwork of Dániel Bodosi
Imre Bodosi the artist's son opens the unveiling ceremony
Unveiling of the memorial column
The sculptor József Józsa presents the symbology present on the column
Folk songs performed by Sára Kovács and Martina Cauș
Inauguration of Memorial Column in Borosneu-Mic
The Bodosi family and the reformed church from Borosneu-Mic inaugurated a memorial column in the memory of the artist on 30th of July 2023.
The program of the event:
Welcome speech by Róbert Imre, parish pastor
Poetry recital by András Tánczos, poems by Árpád Farkas and József Mészely
Anna Mária Darvas, the artist's daughter, presents the artwork of Dániel Bodosi
Imre Bodosi the artist's son opens the unveiling ceremony
Unveiling of the memorial column
The sculptor József Józsa presents the symbology present on the column
Folk songs performed by Sára Kovács and Martina Cauș
Inauguration of Memorial Column in Borosneu-Mic
The Bodosi family and the reformed church from Borosneu-Mic inaugurated a memorial column in the memory of the artist on 30th of July 2023.
The program of the event:
Welcome speech by Róbert Imre, parish pastor
Poetry recital by András Tánczos, poems by Árpád Farkas and József Mészely
Anna Mária Darvas, the artist's daughter, presents the artwork of Dániel Bodosi
Imre Bodosi the artist's son opens the unveiling ceremony
Unveiling of the memorial column
The sculptor József Józsa presents the symbology present on the column
Folk songs performed by Sára Kovács and Martina Cauș
Kopjafa-avatás Bodosi Dániel emlékére
Inauguration of Memorial Column in Borosneu-Mic
The Bodosi family and the reformed church from Borosneu-Mic inaugurated a memorial column in the memory of the artist on 30th of July 2023.
The program of the event:
Welcome speech by Róbert Imre, parish pastor
Poetry recital by András Tánczos, poems by Árpád Farkas and József Mészely
Anna Mária Darvas, the artist's daughter, presents the artwork of Dániel Bodosi
Imre Bodosi the artist's son opens the unveiling ceremony
Unveiling of the memorial column
The sculptor József Józsa presents the symbology present on the column
Folk songs performed by Sára Kovács and Martina Cauș
Kopjafa-avatás Bodosi Dániel emlékére
Exhibition in the Arts Museum from Cluj-Napoca
The exhibition titled "Light and Rhythm" was a selection of the most remarkable oil paintings from the artist's body of work, complemented by a collection of self-portraits and portraits.
The opening ceremony featured speeches by Lucian Nastasă-Kovács, the manager of the institution, István Vákár, the Vice President of the Cluj County Council, and Ágota Portik Blénessy, the curator of the exhibition.
The artistic works were on display at Bánffy Palace in Cluj from September 6 to 24, 2023.
Exhibition in the Arts Museum from Cluj-Napoca
The exhibition titled "Light and Rhythm" was a selection of the most remarkable oil paintings from the artist's body of work, complemented by a collection of self-portraits and portraits.
The opening ceremony featured speeches by Lucian Nastasă-Kovács, the manager of the institution, István Vákár, the Vice President of the Cluj County Council, and Ágota Portik Blénessy, the curator of the exhibition.
The artistic works were on display at Bánffy Palace in Cluj from September 6 to 24, 2023.
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